A Trivial Interlude
Unfortunately, the only pseudo-decent camera phone image that I managed to get of last night's unforgettable aesthetically challenged amphibious avian pinata apparently exceeds the maximum message size by six kilobytes. Scaling it down simply would have not done it justice. Therefore I thought it would be better to confront you with a remarkably low-quality image taken in the night mode.

As you can see, the duck was made from two cardboard boxes taped together. Note the entertaining eye drawn on the side of the so-called head (although it isn't particularly visible in this useless photo). Even more entertaining was the fact that the eye on the other side had a much larger iris. The feathers are what made it overall, though. Cynthia came up with the ingenious idea of giving it curly feathers on its chest, and on its shoulders. If you aren't finding this funny, it's probably because you had to be there.
In other non-related-but-just-as-trivial news, my friend and co-worker Michael had his former majestic mop of hair crafted into a marvellous mullet for fundraising purposes. He has generated upwards of five hundred dollars on the condition that he keeps the mullet for a month. I was the only person he ran into not to immediately comment on it, as I for some reason was under the impression that he had actually willingly chosen the style and I was afraid of offending him. Besides, guys just aren't supposed to comment on each other's haircuts. It's just not right. I now take questionable pride in presenting you with a scaled-down image that does do the subject justice. Or not. My goodness, camera phones are overrated. Still, enjoy.
The best part of the mullet image is when you click to enlarge, it loads the picture up even smaller.
the girls dont like the mullets
"the girls dont like the mullets" - ilikecunt
Who said he cared about what girls liked?
The mullet image displayed in the body of the entry is shown the smallest that Blogger would allow. The system doesn't seem to work well with superlatively scaled-down camera phone images.
In reply to anonymous.
i SAID!!!!! (dick)
I've seen, and laughed, a many times at that particular mullet. "Lovely and shiny, isnt it"
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